Patients can self-heal their body's 30 trillion cells without drugs, injections or surgeries with our state-of-the-art technology in Lafayette, LA.
Our World-class wellness clinic combines holistic care plans carefully customized by our skilled doctors and dedicated medical team for each patient based on accurate functional and alternative medical data. We find the root causes with our natural medicine that other doctors are missing.
Here are some amazing stories and testimonials of patients we have had the chance to serve.
"I’m beyond amazed & so thankful to Dr. Cormier! I haven’t been able to touch my toes since a car accident 4 years ago & I haven’t been able to bend past a 45 degree angle without immense pain in almost 6 month. I’ve spent one day with Dr. Chris Cormier and I can do both!!! I’m still in complete awe. My pain, in my back specifically, has inhibited my everyday life. From sleeping, walking, driving, & to bending. I’ve gone to Physical Therapists, done dry needling, chiropractors, & even had spinal injections and this is the first time in years that I’ve not only felt seen & understood, but have felt TRUE relief. If you are anywhere near the same boat as me, please check him out. It’s worth every single penny!"
"Appreciate the entire staff at Nerve Institute! Everyone is always patient and has great passion for helping and healing. Dr. Cormier is committed to identifying the root cause of pain and offers treatment options that are progressive and holistic. I learn something new about how the body works each time. When I’ve been in high pain, I’ve had immediate relief, and now I visit he and his staff regularly for maintenance check-ins. Definitely a difference maker for anyone!"
"The Nerve Health Institute goes beyond any chiropractic care that I have previously received. Although patients may be treated using the same equipment and similar techniques, the treatment plan is uniquely designed to address each patient’s individual need. The staff is amazing and it has been a great experience for me. Check them out to learn about the OWL method they use!!"
The wellness clinic success stories from happy patients in Lafayette, LA and throughout the USA are often amazing and sometimes unbelievable when using our state-of-the-art technology with the combination of Holistic, Alternative, Natural and Functional Medicine.
(Advertisement: Testimonials)
The advanced technology helps to quickly restore Energyflow from the brain through nerves to the 30 trillion cells in the human body. The doctors in our wellness clinic use holistic natural medicine to help the body heal fast and overcome health challenges addressing the root causes including conditions such as Autoimmune, Thyroid, Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), ALS, AMPS, Concussions, Leaky Gut, Fibromyalgia, Hashimoto´s, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), TMJ Disorders, Rapid Weight Loss, and Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS).
The Nerve Health Institute in Lafayette, Louisiana is home to a skilled team of top doctors and dedicated medical professionals committed to identifying and addressing the root cause of the health issue fast for patients.
Our World-class wellness clinic uses state-of-the-art technology including Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers (HBOT), LiveO2, Exercise With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT), Infrared and Red Light Therapy, Theralight360, Aspen Lasers, Contour Light, Photobiomodulation, PEMF technology, Laser, Emsella, Emsculpt NEO, HyperTPro Sauna, Superhuman Protocol, Frequency Bioresonance therapy, and Quantum Neurology.
The Nerve Health Institute can help patients with almost all health conditions in our wellness clinic including Autoimmune, Thyroid, Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS), Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), and TMJ dysfunction.
Our doctors use natural medicine to self-heal the 30 trillion cells in the patient´s body at the root cause of the health problem using the best functional, alternative and holistic technology.
Learn more below about how we can help your body to heal these conditions as fast as possible at The Nerve Health Institute.
At our wellness clinic, our dedicated doctors use the three most important natural ingredients (Oxygen, Water and Light) for remarkable health results. Through a powerful combination of functional and alternative medicine, our holistic methods work to restore the body´s ability to heal its 30 trillion cells in the shortest possible time, helping patients regain their lifestyle naturally.
Oxygen is the most abundant ingredient in the human body, and most people are deficient in it. With Alternative and Functional medicine our doctors add oxygen back to help your 30 trillion cells to detox and heal.
Water is the second most abundant ingredient in the human body, and most people’s cells are dehydrated. Our doctors replenish these 30 trillion cells with natural and holistic medicine to start the self-healing process.
Light is the third most abundant ingredient in the human body. Our doctors use alternative and functional medicine that helps to get light energy back into the nerves to spark the 30 trillion cells into self-healing.
Click below to learn about our Cell Sparking program with and how Bioresonance technology can heal you from the comfort of your own home.
Our pricing model for our Holistic, Natural, Functional and Alternative care here in Lafayette, LA is based on the severity and complexity of your health problem. Our doctors hope is that you get here sooner that way the problem is small and simple. The longer the health condition progresses, the more time, technology, medicine and investment it takes to get you better.