At The Nerve Health Institute in Lafayette, Louisiana, we use a Holistic approach to get to the root cause of every patient's health conditions. Our highly skilled doctors and medical team perform thorough functional and alternative medicine testing. Dr. Chris Cormier works diligently with patients and he's invested over 50,000 hours of clinical, hands-on experience. This state-of-the-art alternative clinic has the best natural methods and technology available worldwide. Patients travel nationwide and internationally to receive world-class functional medicine in our wellness clinic. The doctors focus on the root cause of the health conditions by fixing the primary ingredients in the 30 trillion cells in the human body and sparking self-healing as fast as possible.
If your disorder or primary symptom isn't on this list, we can still help you!
Our goal at the The Nerve Health Institute is to work with each patient to determine and fix the root cause of your health concerns.
We have helped patients with nearly every health condition, from rare and chronic diseases to natural aging.
If you have health conditions and symptoms that have persisted for more than three months despite medical treatment or treatment with other medical or alternative doctors, our world-class functional medicine technology and holistic methods with alternative, natural medicine may spark your body's self-healing and fix the root cause of your health condition.
Our patients at The Nerve Health Institute are only given carefully selected alternative and holistic medicine by Dr. Chris Cormier and his highly skilled doctors and medical team to achieve outstanding patient results which are oftentimes unbelievable. Our world-class wellness clinic helps to restore and spark optimum health to the body's 30 trillion cells which fixes the root cause of health problems.